You will receive an Aftercare Pack with all required items to look after your new brows! Following the correct Aftercare is vital to get a great result!The cleanser & aftercare balm provided in your pack will be required for your touch-up appointment, therefore only use what is required and store it in a safe place. If you misplace it, you can purchase additional products for a $10 fee at your next appointment.
- Immediately after the treatment - Blot brows with dry cotton round every 10 minutes for the first hours post-treatment. To ‘blot’ brows, hold the cotton round on the area for 10 seconds, gently pushing down. In 1 hour you will blot them 4 times. This is to remove any excess lymph, that if left there can cause scabbing.
- After your final wipe, apply a pea-sized amount of Aftercare Balm using a clean cotton tip.
- For 10 days, every morning & night, Cleanse your brows using the complimentary cleanser provided in your Aftercare pack. Wash hands thoroughly first & dry them. Apply a small pump of the cleansing foam onto the palm of your hand & using your clean fingertip, gently swipe the cleanser across the brows in the direction of your hair with to clean away any bacteria. Gently splash them with water to remove cleanser. Dry the area thoroughly with a dry tissue (Blot the brow, do not aggressively rub it).
- Once dry, apply tiny speck of Aftercare balm using a clean cotton tip by gently dabbing it onto the brow. Do not aggressively rub them. This will keep the area moisturised.
- Do not wet your eyebrows for 10 days in the shower/pools etc other than when you cleanse them morning & night.
- Do not apply makeup on your brows for 14 days. You are welcome to wear facial makeup, as long as this is kept well clear of your eyebrows. Be aware, that if you are applying a lot of facial makeup, it needs to be removed without wetting your eyebrows. Tip: When cleansing your face; Wash your face in the basin eyes down with your normal cleanser and water (without touching your brows) and use a makeup wipe to remove any dirt/makeup from your eyes up.
- Do not sweat for 7-10 days, therefore no exercise. You may think you do not sweat on your face, however you sweat all over your body whether you see it or not. Sweating will open up your pores and can risk colour not healing consistently. You do not want to put yourself at risk of infection either.
- Please stay out of direct sunlight & saunas while the brows are healing for 10 days. If you are going outside in direct sunlight for longer periods of time, please wear a hat to protect your new cosmetic tattoo.
- Please avoid getting any facial treatments until your brows are healed. We recommend waiting 14 days to be safe.